一、世界贸易大家庭成员的差异之比较,中国公司治理法律服务市场巨大。 二十年前在北京,我的老师张思之语重心长教导:要当好一个律师,就要培养成三个“家”即:法学家、演说家和社会活动家。从业律师二十年,体验着中国律师的生存、发展,感受、领悟了时代变革赋予一名律师的责任和使命。中国加入WTO五年了,融入了世界贸易大家庭;可是,欧盟和美国等发达国家反倾销、反补贴案件频频启动,WTO成员中发展中国家与我国的国际贸易摩擦剧增,到底发生问题的根本原因为何?答案:人家不承认我国是完全市场经济制度国家。理由就是“公司治理”法律制度不健全,具体为:公司法、会计法、破产法未达到WTO制度的最低标准要求。 中国是发展中国家,具权威部门统计:全国的国有公司、企业500万余家,2,300 多万家中小企业和民营企业,中国的民营企业平均寿命只有2.9年,全国每年新生15万家民营企业,又每年消亡10万多家。加入WTO之后国内企业按照国际规范建立和完善自己的公司治理已显得十分紧迫。几千万个政府企业管理职能部门、行业协会、其他经济和社会组织以及广泛的专业个人为目标客户。公司治理律师服务市场就有这么大。通常认为:公司治理规范的公司或企业,以上市公司较为完善,但上海和深圳证交所之和也就几千家。美国钢铁倾销案涉案公司有几多?入世第一案日本大蒜反倾销案原产地山东是些公司吗?欧盟反倾销温州打火机的企业性质如何?今年的反倾销鞋业的公司企业性质又如何? 我国律师几年前删掉所谓“证券律师”、“招投标律师”等行业门槛。现在行业中有自称“公司法律师”、“税法律师”、“网络经济律师”等不乏其人。中国现有13万余社会执业律师,重庆市律师有4284人,而重庆人口3144.23万人,约占万分之一的比例。重庆在中国属于经济欠发达区域,与发达经济国家相比,他们律师占人口比例是1-5%,差距甚远。 公司治理制度的兴起,源于经济发达国家二十世纪80年代末,90年代中后期发展趋于成熟。为了抵御金融风险和降低权利人及相对利益者的经济风险,企业的行业协会、经济联合组织、政府职能机构、专业研究组织、各种组织的公司治理管理委员会等,针对企业的特点制定了公司治理的基本原则或指引措施。在经济发达国家中,行业协会类组织对企业的资助和维权得力,影响力自然很强。2003年,我与重庆WTO高级人才考参团到英国学习访问体会深刻。英国的律师分:出庭律师、事务律师、法律援助律师、检察署的起诉律师。2003年12月17日,我们拜访了著名的克莱德―柯国际法律公司(CLYDE&CO),公司有律师和行政工作人员800余人,大多数人在英国工作,在欧洲,亚洲,中东设有十个组织机构,中国大陆还没有组织机构。作为欧盟与世贸组织的专家,五十岁出身政界的公司合伙人菲利浦先生,讲解了欧洲法体系和WTO贸易争端解决方案。风趣机敏的秃顶青年律师麦克,阐述了多边贸易自由区的发展趋势法律热点和律师实务。两位律师合著的《欧盟法比较研究》(纲要)草稿,应同学的要求,现场打印出,赠送给团队。 二、我们提出“公司治理律师”,是一种责任,是一种使命,是一个大概念范畴。(只要服务于公司或企业的律师,无论单项服务,或多项服务,均可是也。) 公司治理律师服务事项概要: 1,公司设立的策划及操作:设立公司的可行性研究、股东投资协议、公司章程个性化设计、公司法人治理结构设计、公司名称核定、公司出资形式和验资报告、公司管理建章建制的拟定及审核。 2,公司经营管理专项服务:公司运营相关合约的草拟与审核、公司商务项目的策划与谈判、公司重大决策的法律意见、公司“三会”(股东会、董事会、监事会)的运行机制的构建、公司产品与品牌和标准的专业化规范化的制度设计实施、公司知识产权发展战略措施的设计实施(专利、商标、版权、计算机与网络、市场竞争、物种等知识产权的侵权应对措施和强化公司核心竞争力)。 3,公司资本运作的法律策划及操作:企业的兼并与收购、企业重组、管理层收购(MBO)、国有企业改制、金融风险管理、风险投资、财务管理、资产证券化、全面资源管理、金融法律服务、股权转让、公司注销和破产的法律综合服务等。 4,公司法律争端的协调和应对:国内或国外商务合同纠纷、内部经营管理合同纠纷、债权债务的清理、法律争端的谈判与斡旋、民事-行政-刑事诉讼的代理和辩护、国内或国际仲裁案件的代理等。
三、公司治理律师的角色定位和思维方式 1、“设计师”。博大精深,高瞻远瞩。 现行中华人民共和国的公司治理法律制度体系框架:基本大法、基本法、知识产权制度、国家经济行业分类标准20种行业法律法规、国际公约条约和国际商事惯例(附一) 。如;民法通则、破产法等是20世纪八十年代的产物,新的物权法、破产法、反垄断法等未立法完成,法律滞后严重:行业法律法规存在冲突。公司或企业的创业者、创新者,需要律师的睿智,在公司或企业的创设阶段和并购阶段,在法律没有禁止的条件下,充分表现权利主体的意思自治,追逐权利的利益实现:同时寻找权利的平衡和制衡的最佳结合。按照公司或企业的个性特征,发挥、创造、保护其市场核心竞争力。 2、“军师”。运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外。 律师应以自身的人格魅力和卓越才华,获得公司或企业决策者的信任、依赖。不仅要精通法律,还应熟知法律和合同条款背后的政治、经济、人文、历史。律师应是一位谈判专家。律师甘愿寂寞和孤独,这是一个智者、高人必备的个性。律师还应是一个杂家,博学多才。 3、“医师”。望、问、闻、切,救死护伤。 全程法律服务的律师,坚持“预防为主”方针,贯彻始终。防患于未然。当公司或企业处于“亚健康状态”时,如劳工矛盾纠纷激烈、消费者案例影响商誉、资金链条问题严重、社会舆论消极等,应当把问题解决在萌芽状态之中。法律争端发生,刚柔并济;生死之战来临时,统筹策划,最大限度保护当事人的合法权益。
罗成律师 重庆圣必德律师事务所 2006年6月29日星期四
版权声明:合理使用限于《亚太法协第七届商贸法国际研讨会》(中国法学学术交流中心和内蒙古自治区法学会承办)会务使用。其他任何单位组织和个人合理使用,应当注明著作权利人署名,不得侵害作品的完整权和修改权:禁止商业目的盈利,擅自复制、发行、网络传播。 联系圣必德律师事务所: 地址:中国重庆市江北区建新北路二支路8号16-6 邮编: 400020 电话: 86-23-89181055 86-23-89181077 传真: 86-23-67959465 网址:www.holybridgelawyer.com E-mail : lc333@263.net.cn In Chinese social reality of the market economy, “corporate governance lawyer ”is a major concept category
firstly, Compared with other world trade members, the legal service market of china corporate governance is enormous. 20 years ago, my teacher zhangsizhi taught me in earnest : to be a good lawyer, we must act three roles : jurists, orators and social activists. 20 years attorney in profession, I Experienced the Chinese attorney's survival and development, comprehended the time transformation to entrust with an attorney's responsibility and mission. China has joined WTO for five years and integrated the world trade big family .However, the European Union and the United States and other developed countries activated anti-dumping, counter-subsidy cases frequently. Trade friction between developing countries and our country increased sharply, what on earth the root cause is? The answer is that they do not recognize that our country has entirely market economic system. The reason is the "corporate governance" legal system which include company law, accounting law, bankrupt law does not achieve the minimum standard of the WTO system. China is a developing country, according to authority department’s data, there are 5 million state-owned companies and enterprises, more than 23,000,000 mid-scale and small-scale and private enterprises. The mean lifetime of China's private enterprises only has 2.9 years, so every year more than 150,000 private enterprises are born and more than 100,000 private enterprises are died. After accession to WTO, the domestic enterprise establishes and consummates own corporate governance according to the international standard has appeared extremely urgently. Several ten million function departments of government business management, profession association, other economies and social organization as well as extensive of profession personal is our target customer. Corporate governance legal services market is so big. Usually thought that, Accord with the normal of company or enterprise governance, the listed company of Israel is comparatively complete, but the sum of Shanghai stock exchange and Shenzhen is just several thousands. How many such companies involved in U.S. steel dumping case? The first case after China accession to WTO, How does the enterprise nature in Japanese anti-dumping garlic case .How does the enterprise nature in EU anti-dumping Wenzhou lighter case? How does enterprise nature in anti-dumping footwear case? Our country canceled some profession threshold several years ago, such as so-called "securities lawyers", "bidding lawyer" etc. Now someone name himself as "company lawyers", "tax lawyers," "network economy lawyers," and such people are not rare. Now, China has more than 130,000 attorneys and Chongqing has more than 4284 attorneys, but Chongqing has 31.4423 million people , about one ten thousandth of the population total. Chongqing belongs to underdeveloped regions in China. Compared with the developed economical country, their lawyer accounts for the population proportion is 1 - 5%, the gap is far. The rise of corporate governance institution, came from economic flourishing nation the end of 80's in 20 centuries, late 1990s, the development towards maturity. For resisting financial risk and lowering the economic risk of the right and the relative, the profession association of business enterprise, the economic consociation organization, the government function organization, professional research organization, various organization of the corporate governance management committee etc., formulated the basic principle or the direction measure in view of the enterprise's characteristic. In economical developed country, the profession association subsidizes business enterprise efficiently, so the influence is naturally strong. In 2003, I had a study and visit to Britain with the Chongqing WTO high-level talented person inspection group and experienced profoundly. The lawyer of Britain divides into barristers, solicitors, legal aid lawyers and the Public Prosecutor's Office prosecution lawyers. We visited the famous Clyde international law company (CLYDE&CO), there are more than 800 lawyers and administrative staff members. In the company, the majority people worked in England ,there are ten organizations and agencies in Europe, Asia. the Middle East and no one in mainland China. As an expert of European Union and World Trade Organization, Mr. Philips , partner of company who come from political circles 50 years old, explained the European law system and the WTO trade conflict solution. Witty and alert young lawyer Mike who is bald, has explained the legal focus and lawyer's practice of development trend of multilateral freedom to trade. "Comparative study of the law of European Union " (outline ) draft is the two lawyer's collaboration, was printed out live and presented to the group in conformity with the request of classmates. Secondly, we propose “the corporate governance lawyer ”is a kind of responsibility, is a kind of mission, is a great concept category. (So long as the lawyer who serves the company or enterprise, whether individual service, or a wide range of services, is the company governs attorney.) The corporate governance lawyer’s service outline : 1.The planning and operation of corporate establishment : the feasibility study of corporate establishment , shareholders agreements, corporate charter personalized design, corporate management structure design, company name approved, company funded forms and verifying capital position reporting, the sketch and the verification of corporate governance chapter. 2.Special services of corporate governance : business related companies contract drafting and review, the business project planning and negotiation, significant decision-making legal advice, construction of " three meetings " (Shareholders' meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors ) operating mechanism, the design and implementation of the company products and brands and professional standards standardized system, the design and implementation of company's intellectual property right development strategy measure (the infringement counter-measure and strengthening company's key competitiveness in intellectual property rights such as patent , trade mark , copyright , computer competing with network , market , species ,etc.). 3.The legal planning and operation of capital operating : Enterprise's annexation and purchase, restructuring, acquisition management (MBO), restructuring frameworks of the state-owned enterprise, financial risk management, venture capital, financial management, asset securitization, comprehensive resource management, financial legal services, stock transfer, corporate cancel and bankruptcy ,etc.. 4.The coordination and replying of company's legal dispute: Domestic or foreign commercial contract dispute, internal management contract dispute, creditor and debt liquidation, legal conflict negotiations and mediation, civil-administration-criminal agents and defence, national or international arbitration cases acting and so on.
Thirdly, the corporate governance attorney's role localization and the thinking mode 1“designer”. Broad and profound, takes a long-range approach. The present legal system frame of corporate governance in China : the fundamental law, the intellectual property rights system, national 20 kinds of trade laws and regulations according to the state economy profession classification, the international joint pledge treaty and the international trading convention (Appendix one). For instance, the general provisions of the civil law, the bankruptcy law and so on are 1980s’ products. The new reality law, the bankruptcy law, the antimonopoly law and so on not yet complete, the legal lag is serious. Profession laws and regulations exist conflicts. The company or enterprise's pioneers, the innovation, need lawyer's wisdom, in the company or enterprise's establishment stage and the merger and acquisition stage, on terms that the law has not been forbidden, fully display the autonomy of the subject of right, chase the interests of the right to realize. Simultaneously the right balance and keeps in balance best union. According to the company or enterprise's individuality characteristic, displays, creates, protects its market core competitive power. 2 "military strategist". Maps out strategic plans in an army tent, determines the final outcome outside the great distance. An attorney should by own personality charm and the remarkable talent, obtains the company or the enterprise policy-maker's trust. Not only must be skilled in the law, but also should know very well behind legal and contract provision politics, the economy, the humanities, the history. Attorney should be a negotiations expert. Attorney is willing to be lonely, this is a wise, person of high skill's necessary individuality. Attorney also should be an eclectic , learned and versatile. 3 "doctor". Look, Ask, Hear, Touch, Saves from impending death assists the wounded. Whole law service lawyer, persists “prevention primarily” the policy, from start to finish, prevents accidents before they occur. When the company or enterprise is in “the sub-healthy condition”, like the laborer contradictory dispute intense, the consumer case influence goodwill, the fund chain link question serious, the public opinion is negative and so on, should solve the problem in the embryonic stage. The legal conflict occurs, couple hardness with softness; When the life-and-death struggle comes, the overall planning, maximum limit protects litigant's legitimate rights and interests.
lawyer Luo Cheng Chongqing holybridge lawyer firm on June 29, 2006 Thursday
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